Program Structure

Duration: 5 Weeks

Session Format: 90 minutes per session (45 minutes theory, 45 minutes activity)

Workshop 1: Leadership Foundations for Future Managers (90 minutes)

    • Establish Leadership Foundations: Introduction to foundational leadership concepts.
    • Early Career Impact: Emphasis on leadership's significance for early career success.
    • Honest Self-Reflection: Encourage self-awareness through envisioning diverse career paths.


      Link to Becoming Young Managers:

      • Lay the groundwork for understanding leadership's foundational principles.
      • Establish the importance of leadership in shaping early career trajectories.

      Workshop 2: Navigating Leadership in Your Chosen Field (90 minutes)

      • Strategic Career Planning: Illustrate how leadership contributes to strategic career planning.
      • Roadmap for Career Growth: Guide participants in creating a roadmap for leveraging leadership skills.
      • Reflect on Career Aspirations: Encourage participants to compare and reflect on envisioned career paths.


        Link to Becoming Young Managers:

        • Develop strategic thinking in aligning leadership with long-term career goals.
        • Provide tools for participants to actively plan and navigate their leadership journey.

        Workshop 3: Cultivating Leadership Excellence (90 minutes)

        • Managerial Skills: Focus on essential managerial skills for early success.
        • Practical Skill Development: Engage in hands-on exercises for decision-making and problem-solving.
        • Open Feedback and Improvement: Encourage candid conversations with friends for honest feedback.


          Link to Becoming Young Managers:

          • Develop practical skills necessary for effective leadership.
          • Foster an open feedback culture, a hallmark of successful managers.

          Workshop 4: The Young Manager's Mastery (90 minutes)

          • Draft Skill Development Plan: Participants create a plan for developing 11 leadership skills over the next 11 months.
          • Inspire Ownership: Motivate participants to take ownership of projects from Day 1 of university.

            Link to Becoming Young Managers:

            • Empower participants to take control of their leadership journey.
            • Instill a proactive mindset and a commitment to continuous growth.

            Valedictory Voyage: Nurturing Leadership Future

          • Celebrate Individual Triumphs: Showcase tangible progress made on leadership development plans.
          • Active Peer Support and Encouragement: Foster dynamic collaboration and mutual support.
          • Collective Action Commitment: Solidify a commitment to ongoing, active support for each other's growth.

            Link to Becoming Young Managers:

            • Provide a platform for participants to actively demonstrate growth.
            • Create a supportive community committed to each other's success.