The voices behind The Young Manager



At just 23 years old, I've amassed a half-decade of invaluable leadership experience, a remarkable achievement within the span of just two decades of life.

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Srujan Bharadwaj


I led RV College students to France for aerospace competitions, showcasing leadership and innovation, proving Indian talent on a global scale.

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Our Moderators

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Career Counseling

Personalized guidance and support to help you make informed career decisions.
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Skill Development

Enhance your professional skills and boost your career prospects through tailored training programs.
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Interview Preparation

Expert coaching and preparation to excel in job interviews and secure your dream job.
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Who is Nandesh?

Meet Nandesh Goudar:

A Beacon of Leadership At the heart of The Young Manager is its founder, Nandesh Goudar, a dynamic and accomplished leader with over 5 years of experience in various leadership roles. Nandesh's illustrious career includes remarkable achievements that underline his commitment to personal and professional growth.

  • 5+ Years of Leadership: Nandesh boasts over five years of diverse leadership experience.

    Impressive Career Highlights:
  • Became the Youngest Director at Young Collective.
    • Climbed the ranks in 2022 to become one of the youngest National Presidents of AIESEC Global.
    • Managed key positions at Graphy by Unacademy, a sister-company of a company valued at $3.44 billion.

      Awards and Recognition:

  • Introduced Work-Exchange Scheme - AIESEC VISA for Government of New Zealand in association with AIESEC in New Zealand for students interested to visit New Zealand for International Internships and Volunteering opportunities.
  • One of the 6 Mentors for Presidents of AIESEC in Europe 2023.24.
  • Earned the title of "Most Promising Leader" among 200 AIESEC Bangalore members.
    Received numerous other accolades for his exceptional leadership skills.
    International Leadership: Nandesh's leadership extends beyond his home country, with experience as the Managing Director of AIESEC in Albania and currently in New Zealand.
  • Diverse Role as Marketing Director: He also serves as the Marketing Director at Young Collective, an organization that hosts events for students in 150+ cities worldwide, engaging over 2 million students in recent years.
  • Passion for Developing Future Leaders: Nandesh is passionate about leadership and dedicated to nurturing young talent.
  • Unique Perspective and Skill Set: His national and international leadership roles have equipped him with a distinctive perspective and skill set, which he is committed to passing on to the next generation of business leaders.

Message by Nandesh

"The Young Manager" is an immersive Leadership Development Program curated specifically for class 12th students in India. My program aims to equip participants with the essential skills and mindset needed to step into leadership roles early in their careers.

Through a series of engaging workshops, students delve into foundational leadership principles, strategic career planning, managerial skill development, and ongoing leadership excellence.

My goal is to have the program integrated into our day to day routine so we see more young leaders taking up responsibilites to make the world a better place to work in!