National Leadership Summit 2023: AIESEC in Nepal elects it's next Execeutive Director

Nandesh Goudar
Mar 09, 2024By Nandesh Goudar

Tucked away in the scenic small town of Dhulikhel, Nepal, the calming vibe of Hotel Arinko provided the perfect backdrop for AIESEC in Nepal's life-changing National Leadership Summit, which took place from December 28th to December 31st. This year's gathering wasn't just your standard meet-up; it turned into a melting pot of leadership, dreams, and creativity, all thanks to the skilled guidance of Mr. Nandesh Goudar.

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Leadership Meets Vision

This summit was a standout event for AIESEC in Nepal, especially since it aligned with the much-awaited presidential elections, pushing the organization towards fresh starts. Leading this significant event was Mr. Nandesh Goudar, whose experienced leadership and international outlook lit the way for the next generation of leaders.

Mr. Goudar brought his vast experience from different parts of the world to the summit, enriching it with empowering workshops, thought-provoking discussions, and planning sessions aimed at preparing the 80 enthusiastic participants with everything they need for forward-thinking leadership.

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Elections: A New Chapter of Leadership

The recent National Leadership Summit in Dhulikhel was a defining moment for AIESEC in Nepal, particularly highlighted by the presidential elections, a cornerstone event shaping the organization's future trajectory. In this critical juncture, Mr. Nandesh Goudar's role transcended that of a mere facilitator; he emerged as a mentor, guiding light, and strategist, especially evident in his intensive training sessions with the three presidential candidates: Asbin Khanal, Yuga Thapa, and Adwitiya Gurung.

Under Mr. Goudar’s seasoned mentorship, these aspirants were not just prepared but transformed. Each session was meticulously tailored to refine their vision, enhance their presentation skills, and fortify their strategic thinking. Mr. Goudar’s approach was holistic — he delved deep into the nuances of leadership, ensuring the candidates were not only ready for the general assembly presentations but also equipped for the rigorous demands of their potential future roles.

Asbin Khanal, Yuga Thapa, and Adwitiya Gurung, each with their unique strengths and visions for the future of AIESEC in Nepal, were given an unparalleled opportunity to grow under Mr. Goudar’s guidance. His feedback sessions were more than just critiques; they were deep, insightful dialogues that encouraged self-reflection and personal growth. Through these interactions, Mr. Goudar fostered an environment of learning and improvement, setting a new standard for what it means to lead with integrity, vision, and empathy.

The culmination of these efforts was palpable during the general assembly presentations. Each candidate, armed with weeks of preparation and Mr. Goudar’s mentorship, presented their visions with confidence, clarity, and conviction. The transformative impact of their training was evident in their poise, their strategic outlines, and their responsive engagement with the audience's questions.

The elections heralded a new chapter of leadership for AIESEC in Nepal with Mr. Asbin Khanal emerging as the next MCP (Member Committee President) of the entity.

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Charting a Path to Greatness

Against the stunning backdrop of the Himalayas, the National Leadership Summit was more than an event; it was a source of hope and ambition for Nepal's youth. Mr. Goudar's motivational stories and practical tips struck a chord with the attendees, igniting a new sense of mission and commitment to their own growth and development.

As the summit wrapped up, there was a clear feeling of success and looking forward, with the new leadership ready to take AIESEC in Nepal into an exciting future, guided by experienced leaders like Mr. Goudar.

In Summary: A Legacy of Empowerment

The National Leadership Summit held at Hotel Arinko in Dhulikhel was a defining moment for AIESEC in Nepal. Led by Mr. Nandesh Goudar, the event didn't just prepare Nepal's future leaders; it also left a lasting impact on everyone involved.

NLS 2023 served as a crucial preparatory conference, setting the stage for AIESEC in Nepal to host the Asia Pacific Summit in April 2024. This event was instrumental in aligning both the organization's and its members' short-term and long-term goals, ensuring that everyone is moving in the same direction towards a shared vision.

As participants return to their everyday lives, they carry with them not only valuable lessons in leadership and a spirit of collaboration but also an enduring commitment to excellence, fueled by the summit's transformative days. The legacy of the summit, under Mr. Goudar's visionary leadership, promises to resonate through AIESEC in Nepal, inspiring future generations of leaders and preparing them for the significant events ahead.

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